Friday, April 29, 2005

A Quick Note

just to say that I am alive, if not necessarily kicking. And that I believe God gave me this stomach virus so that I would have some small appreciation for what Candace must go through in labor. (It won't, of course, make me entirely empathetic, because I am a man, and therefore incapable of that much empathy.) But the real reason I am writing this post is that if this virus had somehow finished me off, I didn't want my last comment on Earth to involve a giant Elmo dancing to "Vertigo."

Viral Bemoanings

Another day in the life of the Oliphant household -- see Jim lying on the couch in pain with the intestinal virus I had on Monday (two bottles of Gatorade and DVDs on floor -- a cornucopia really from Bringing Up Baby to Ronin to Starwars), see Candace returning to work resigned to living her life as a forever incubator, and see Brennan who is now sleeping at night in what was to be Kate's bed. No baby yet. The doctor said yesterday that I am still only 1 cm dilated, and Kate weighs about 6.5 - 7 lbs. Perfect weight for her to come right now! Meanwhile, I dream of going deep sea fishing and hooking dolphins (not the dolphin fish you eat) and other very weird things. I usually love to dream and analyze but these have gotten a bit out of hand.

We are hopeful the weekend brings us health and DELIVERY.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Elmotions In Motion

Becoming a parent is being indoctrinated into a brave new world, a place where the rules are different, where none of your life experience matters. A place that includes something like this.

Cat in the Cradle

Baby Brennan. His relationship to Kate is going to be an interesting one. We knew he would love her bed and think it was his. See how happy he is by the window in his new little bed just for him? -- Candace Posted by Hello

Brennan found Kate's bed this morning. Our anxiety is affecting him too. -- Candace Posted by Hello

Monday, April 25, 2005

Dress Rehearsal

Rookie mistakes. Candace woke up this morning with contractions, feeling nauseous, et. al. We thought it was happening. Then Candace started to feel really sick and we called the doctor.

Doc told us to go to the hospital. Just like that. Suddenly, it's like the fall of Saigon in our apartment, grabbing bags, toiletries, the carseat (still uninstalled, of course.) I did the French Connection thing on the Beltway (well -- okay, I still obeyed most posted speed limits, but man, I can merge under pressure.)

We get a room, Candace gets hooked up to the fetal monitor. Kate's making a racket. I'm settling in for a long night and ---

"You're not in labor," the nurse says.


Turns out, though, that Candace was sick. For real. With an intestinal virus. And very dehydrated. So she received two hours of IV hydration. I read about the NFL draft in USA Today, and also why Ashton Kutcher can't open a movie tailored for adults.

Doctor says that labor "could happen at any time" which is what everyone has been saying for a couple of weeks now. We've been having babies for thousands of years and we still can't call the ball.

Back at home. Waiting. Waiting.

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Coming Sooner Than We Think

We could be on the verge of something here. Saturday morning, Candace lost the "plug" (i'll spare you the full term) that helps seal the cervix. Tonight, Sunday night, she's having some mild contractions -- somewhat irregular but we think that they are about 12 minutes apart. Our friends from London, Deirdre and Doug, just called. They had their son seven months ago and they seem to think that it could be a matter of a day or two from here for us.

Kate seems to be coming early. Like both of us, she is impatient.

And me? Well, I've been running around like a firefighter without a fire. Trying to get things ready and trying to hide my anxiety in front of Candace. She doesn't need to see that. I don't have any reference points for this.

It's hard to know how to prepare -- but I think even if I had spent months steeling myself for this moment, it would feel the same. It's the pure unknown, and there's no way to ready yourself for something like that. All you can do is make a series of commitments: I will be there. I will do what I need to do. I will use all the strength I have to help. If, as they say, 90 percent of life is just showing up, this is a time when showing up is as important as anything. (Or is that 90 percent of baseball is pitching? Or that the human body is 90 percent water? Damn.)

She has the tough job. I can Bruce Willis this all I want and it won't mean that much. She has a sense of what's ahead of her; I can see it in her eyes.

And now we're never going to be able to sponsor the first annual Guess Kate's Birth Date and Weight Pool -- with first prize being an all expenses paid trip to Rockville to babysit for a week! Kate's running this show. That may be the format for awhile.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Progress Report

...or lack of same. We went to the doctor today and basically there is no change. Candace is still only slightly dilated. It could be days or weeks still. Due date remains May 15. Feels like an eternity....

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Shower The People

Last Saturday, April 16, some friends gave us a Baby Shower/Party at Pradeep's house in DC. See Pradeep in background - in charge of the kitchen, also -- Ferdose (in charge of the cheeses for the evening), Ted, Trish (who drove down with Pat from Philly), Jodi, Jacques (who now has strep throat), Catherine, Heather (our local music journalist and Ryan Adams' biggest fan), Natalie and Jen Vasta (soon to be of Umbria). Posted by Hello

And, some of the rest of the shower/party. Joel, Karen, Trishee, Jodi, Jacques, Douglas, Brenda, Ron, Pradeep and Ferdose.  Posted by Hello

More gifts.... Posted by Hello

Opening gifts for Kate.... Posted by Hello

Doug and Jim at the "party." Note pink balloons in background.  Posted by Hello

Jim and Candace at the Baby Shower/Party on April 16th at Pradeep's house in DC. Posted by Hello

Why We're Here

This blog is to chronicle the arrival of Katharine Laurence Oliphant. She's expected soon....maybe real soon. As usual, we put this blog off until the last second.

This is our first child. And we would be lying if we said we had any idea what to expect.

Oh yeah, we're PRETTY sure she's a girl. If not, he's never seeing this blog. Talk about therapy issues.

Hello World

This blog is born.

Now, if only having the baby was just as easy.