Monday, August 07, 2006

Family Invades Adams Morgan!

Kate pages through a book last Saturday at Meze on 18th Street. We could tell that many of the patrons were dismayed to see a baby in their midst. That's the way this town works. There are good zones and bad zones for kids. In Adams Morgan, people are likely to think that you're just some tourist family that got lost looking for the Air and Space Museum.  Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

From the Archives. . .

I stumbled across this old picture from last year, when Kate must have been about five months old. Its hilarious, but notice how different she looks.  Posted by Picasa

At Home in Glover Park

What a strange looking dog! (or as Kate calls them "wuhh wuhhs.") Posted by Picasa

Kate takes the wheel. Finally, we have a designated driver.  Posted by Picasa

Kate swinging at the park.  Posted by Picasa

Nobody puts baby in a corner! Posted by Picasa

Kate models for the camera -- (a phone, which explains the lousy picture.)  Posted by Picasa

Kate doesn't like it when Mommy leaves. Posted by Picasa

We're worried about Kate watching televison. . .for obvious reasons. Posted by Picasa

Kate discovers the "wonders" of Elmo Posted by Picasa