Thursday, May 11, 2006

Kate Turns 1 Year Old.

Just last weekend, we celebrated Kate's first birthday at the Cactus Cantina -- a Mexican restaurant off of Wisconsin Avenue in DC. Grandpa and Grandma Oliphant were there, Aunt Teresa and Uncle Ken, and lots of friends. And, Grandaddy called us from Alabama to the restaurant to wish Kate a happy birthday. Kate had one little friend there, Jay, who is three years old. Kate had alot of fun with Jay (and his Elmo).

It is just so hard to believe that she has been with us for a year. She has been more than a joy, she is our true salvation. She makes us laugh, she gives us hope for the future, she helps us to know that everything is going to be alright.

I am writing tonight because I am sad and because Kate has given me many gifts today. She has helped me to understand that life continues, it resurfaces, again and again (and that just because mom is sad, she still has to change Kate's diapers, feed her dinner, and rock her to sleep tonight).

Uncle Don, I know you know how much I love you. So much. We all do. I know, too, that you continue to live in all of us. Thank you for all of the love you gave Natalie and me. Thank you for always being so strong for us all. Thank you for coming to Granny's to meet Kate. I love you. Goodnight.

Happy Birthday Kate!!  Posted by Picasa

Kate and her "Mum--my" at her first birthday party.  Posted by Picasa

Kate and Grandma Audrey eating avocados.\ Posted by Picasa

The cake -- ala Safeway. Posted by Picasa

Not so sure about everything going on.... Posted by Picasa

She wore a bow for her party. Posted by Picasa

Kate is One Year Old!  Posted by Picasa